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Angles and more about Masks

Choose General->Models->Add / Change / Delete.

Type model code 2005 and press OK.

You are now in the model window. Choose the menu option Item->Add Piece.

The mouse pointer has changed to + (crosshairs) and on the window title you can read: INDICATE BEGINNING POINT OF NEW PIECE.

Click with the left mouse button on 2-G.

A small red point has appeared there and on the window title you can read:


Click with the right mouse button on 2-C.

A red line has been drawn between both points and on the window title you can read again: INDICATE END OF LINE.

Click with the right button on 9-C.

Click with the left mouse button on 14-F.

Press Esc.

The mouse pointer has changed to its original shape. You are no longer drawing the model.

You have clicked twice with the right button instead of the left button because this way the program draws the lines in angles which are multiple of 45º. ( 45º , 90º, 135º ). If we want to draw such an angle, we can also use the left button, but we run the risk of making a small mistake, not drawing exactly that angle.

In the end we have used the left button because we wanted a different angle.

It is not necessary to click on the grid nodes. But in this tutorial we will use them because they are convenient to give drawing instructions.

Now you can inform the mask field as was done in the previous chapters. You can write anything you want in the mask, except for: [ ] ( ) { } which are reserved characters and must only be used according to what has been explained so far.

A possible mask would be:

[1:1L] |___[1:2L]___[1:3A]º / [1:3L]

You can also use letters instead of graphic characters:

PIECENAME [1:1L] - [1:2L] - [1:3L] ANG [1:3A]º

It is not necessary that you include all the replaceable symbols ( [1:1L] , [1:2L] , [1:3L] , [1:3A]º )

[1:1L] will be replaced by the length (L) of the first member (1L) of the first piece (1:).

[1:2L] will be replaced by the length (L) of the second member (2L) of the first piece (1:).

[1:3A] will be replaced by the angle (A) where the third member begins (3A) of the first piece (1:). This angle is the only visible one in the drawing because it's not 90º.

[1:3L] will be replaced by the length (L) of the third member (3L) of the first piece (1:).

In the next chapter you will learn how to know the symbol for each value.

If you didn't inform the mask, the program would use one of its own, consisting of the lengths of all the members of the model separated by dashes. For example in this case it would be:


As to the three fields: Mask in screen, O.Prn, Label, you can set them to YES, but given that this is a more complex model, maybe the mask doesn't describe it completely. So it's better that you leave them with NO, their initial setting.

As to Sort Value, it is an optional field which can be informed with a string of the same kind as a mask ( including symbols such as [1:1L] and so on ). If you read the chapter "Printing Orders" in help02 file, you will see that Sort Value is one of the fields used to sort the rows in an order when it is printed. In most initial models this field is empty.

Choose File->Exit.

Answer Yes to the question: ¿ Do you want to save the information ?

Now you can test the model as is the previous chapters. You can either use the order you entered before or start a new one.

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